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Contacting an Arborist

If you have a concern about your tree’s health, you may want to contact an arborist for assistance. Arborists are professionals who care for trees and other woody plants. There are two types of professional arborists: certified and consulting.

Certified arborists are equipped to offer planting, pruning, transplanting, fertilizing, monitoring and treatment for insects and diseases and tree removal. Consulting arborists specialize in diagnosing problems, recommending treatments, tree appraisals and suggesting where to obtain competent tree service.

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Special note is designed to provide non-biased information to the general public with no intended endorsement of specific products, companies, or services. It is important members follow the published recommendations of their own respective State Cooperative Extension Service when considering pesticide, insecticide, fungicide, and herbicide recommendations for the care of trees and shrubs. You may decide to seek an organic, Plant Health Care (PHC) or Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solution to your problem. Questions related to cultural practices and issues not specifically covered by should always be referred to your local Cooperative Extension office, Certified Arborist, or local Nursery Professional. Questions concerning commercial orchards or tree crops should be referred to your local Extension Service.

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