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Sources for More Information

Bulletin #8: Don’t Top Trees

Some Useful Books

Arboriculture – Integrated Management of Landscape Trees, Shrubs, and Vines in the Landscape
by Richard W. Harris , James R. Clark, and Nelda P. Matheny. 687 pp.

This is an excellent source of state-of-the-art issues relating to tree roots and most other aspects of urban forestry and landscape practices. The topics are based on summaries of research and the experience of the authors.

Publications by Alex Shigo

The late Dr. Alex Shigo was a pioneer in promoting proper pruning. His years of dissecting trees and conducting research for the U.S. Forest Service resulted in a wealth of understanding about the chemistry and physical response of trees to pruning or other wounds. The following and other publications are available from Shigo and Trees, Associates, Inc..

  • Tree Basics.
  • Tree Pruning Basics.
  • Tree Pruning.
  • Tree Anatomy.
  • A New Tree Biology.
  • Many others, as well as visual materials.

Available From the International Society of Arboriculture

Numerous publications, DVDs and videotapes are available from the International Society of Arboriculture on the topic of pruning. Especially important is Best Management Practices: Tree Pruning. To browse the catalog, visit the International Society of Arboriculture

Why do People Top Trees?

Underlying Beliefs and Attitudes about Topping Trees by James R. Fazio and Edwin E. Krumpe reports the results of a research project based on interviews with homeowners who topped trees. This article is found in the July 1999 issue of Journal of Arboriculture.

Websites About Anti-Topping Campaigns

One site to be sure to visit is maintained by Plant Amnesty, a nonprofit organization in Seattle. This group has long been active in fighting the plague of tree topping.

For a look at the many campaigns nationwide being conducted to stop the malpractice of topping trees, enter “topping trees” and “anti-topping” in your favorite search engine.

Quick Link to ISA Publications

ANSI Pruning Standards and the publication, Glossary of Arboriculture Terms, are available from the International Society of Arboriculture's Store.

Spanish Language Edition

A one-page summary of this bulletin in Spanish is available at no cost. For a copy, contact Arbor Day Foundation Member Services at 888-448-7337.

Last Updated: 03/25/19

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